Sunday, September 14, 2008

America: the Most Conservative of all Nations

Last night I was watching Family Guy and the Simpsons in my corridor with a few corridor mates. When these shows ended, they decided to watch Hostel, since it was on.
I had never seen the movie before, but I am terrible at watching other people be in pain- it bothers me to no end, and I usually become sick to my stomach out of sympathy.
If You have never seen Hostel before, the first half is a porno, and the second half is a slasher film.
I only stayed for the first half because as much as gratuitous sex really doesn't appeal to me, I was more interested in the conversation than the television.
Turns out that public programming is not censored! Full on sex. On basic public television. It was terrifying.
I started to show my discomfort and my corridor mates laughed: even the most leftist of Americans is considered moderate here. As a whole, America is the most conservative country in the world: here, our democrats are considered conservative. Yep.
Think about it: socialism is already in place with universal health care and a fantastic welfare system.
These things will NEVER occur in America simply because they are too foreign of ideas.
Gay? No problem. Different race? Doesn't matter. Muslim? no one cares.
In fact, you're even free to be racist here. It's uncommon, but you won't be ostracized from society- it's your right to think whatever you want.
We are instilled with a terrible sense of competition and elitism, whereas here there is more stress on equality and security.
There is a law called "Everyone's Right." You are free to set up a tent and camp out for one night on any privately owned property. Of course, there are accepted social standards to follow when expressing this right, but the fact is that in America if one was to try this, your tent would be shredded from shotgun pellets, and your body would never be found.
Thank you, Hostel, for allowing me to have this political revelation.

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