Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So for the last three weeks, around 12:30 I have begun to hear this odd 'ooooo' noise.
Remembering that Flogsta is set in the middle of a wooded area, I figured it was an owl outside. I would open my window, stick my head out into the frigid night air and listen for this god forsaken owl. I could never place where it was!
This fucking owl would come out every night at about 12:30 and sometimes make noise for 2 hours straight, sometimes start and then stop, sometimes only last about half an hour.
It was a few nights a go that I realized there is no owl.
It is the muffled sound of sex through my walls.
To some extent, I'd rather it was a fucking owl.
Because now that I realize it's human, these people sound more like owls and cows than anything else. And are loud. And the pace is simply terrifying.
Honestly, I'm amazed they live through their adventures.

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